Zombies...or how not to survive cold season

After a lovely holiday season,including a trip to the Midwest to visit family, we seem to be falling apart a bit.  This seems to be common this time of year. We run ourselves down with getting a million things done and then the moment we slow down, our immune systems stutter into epic failure. 

In an extremely unusual move, my husband got sick first. Then I had cold/ flu symptoms but held the beast at bay with lots of D3, zinc and Emergency C. Then Monkey came down with strep and as of today I have transitioned into goodness knows what. I made homemade Chicken soup last week and stocked up on fresh soup at Mrs. Green's on Friday evening. Thankfully, as cooking was not an area of interest as I dragged myself through caring for my zombie comrades this weekend. On my gratitude list today: TV, Wii, microwaves, amoxicillin, Kleenex, NyQuil, Yogi cold season tea and soft pillows.

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